Want Some Weight Loss Tips?
No matter the subject, there’s no shortage of advice from those who truly are educated in that specific field, and likewise, there is no shortage of advice from self proclaimed experts. Fitness is no exception, especially when it comes to weight loss tips.
Turn on YouTube, and you’ll find a bunch of fitness gurus with dozens of weight loss tips. Are they all worthless? Of course not, but we can’t categorically say they are all worthwhile either. I’ve written of impersonal trainers, those who wear the right clothes, have nice physiques, and have some good sales pitches, but ultimately, not much in the way of knowledge. I’ve also written about internet trainers, like those found on YouTube. Certainly there’s some good information to be had there, but you’ll have to sift through the murky waters in the uneducated and hype pools.
Weight loss tips can be found in everything from women’s magazines, to well respected periodicals, and newspapers. There’s certainly no shortage, but what’s effective for you? As a personal trainer in Austin for over 20 years, I can assure you that the answer is very individual, as opposed to a sweeping statement. One of the biggest weight loss tips a few years ago, was to get rid of carbohydrates. Some people who did that, truly lost weight, albeit mostly water weight, which was quickly replenished as carbohydrates are the body’s best source of fuel.
Other weight loss tips heard previously were to go on a cleanse. As I’ve written elsewhere on this blog, cleansing is not only unnecessary, but unhealthy. It’s a bad idea to deprive your body of the things it needs most in order to not just thrive, but survive. Protein, carbs, and fats are all required by the body for various functions. Omitting nutrients in an attempt to lose weight is a short sighted approach and furthermore, one that is not sustainable.
Some weight loss tips are absolutely correct. Those would include the limiting of sugars. By cutting back on soda as well as alcohol, you will lose weight. Other weight loss tips worth following up on include cutting down on saturated fats, as well as drinking more water. Saturated fats are not only putting pounds on your frame, but they are simultaneously clogging your arteries thus putting you at risk for heart disease, etc.
The drinking of the proper amount of water is a great thing for weight loss since our bodies are comprised of 65% water, on average, so if we are dehydrated, our bodies retain water. If you drink an adequate amount of water, you will won’t retain excess water weight.
The most obvious of the weight loss tips out there, is to exercise. You don’t need to go crazy, but regular cardiovascular exercise done on an empty stomach will promote weight loss better than any miracle pill or supplement out there. Just wake up a bit earlier, and hit the road.
One of the best weight loss tips I can give you, besides drinking enough water, eating properly, skipping the sweets, etc, is to keep a positive mindset. If you give up too easily, or don’t follow through with enough effort, you will abandon your weight loss goal fairly quickly before any results can be realized.
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