Walking vs Running For Weight Loss: Which Is More Effective?
As long as there have been gyms, there have been fitness debates. These debates have taken place in many social circles such as within the scientific community, the gym rat community, the “bro science” community, and of course, if the walls could talk, they’d echo the many opinions of even the very people who’ve long needed to exercise, but never bothered…but still had an opinion. One such debate that I’ve heard repeatedly in my 20 plus tears as a personal trainer in Austin, TX, is, which is better, walking vs running for weight loss?
As noted, there is no shortage of opinions, and though the credibility of the sources can be questionable at times, they can still find a way to permeate our thoughts and sway our own beliefs. So, which is it when it comes to walking vs running for weight loss? The true answer, despite people’s prejudice’s and bias, is both.
You can’t simply answer one way or the other when answering the question of which is better, walking vs running for weight loss, because for starters, some people cannot, and other people absolutely should not run! Running is a high impact cardiovascular exercise. What is meant by the phrase high impact, is not that you will receive massive benefit from the act, but rather, that it is hard on your joints. Those who have tight hips, weak knees, etc, from previous injuries or conditions, would be foolish to engage in a high impact exercise such as running. For these people, it is common sense that walking would be the better choice. If they aren’t able to keep a brisk enough pace for caloric deficit, then they could consider supplementing the walking with another aerobic activity, such as bicycling or swimming, which are both low impact as well.
People who have strong healthy joints, and have no postural imbalances, or distortions, can run if they feel they can do so properly and avoid injury. Running, especially at a fast pace, will burn a lot of calories, as it requires more energy. Sprinting, in fact, is the exercise that burns the most calories of any. If you are a candidate for running, it is very important to make sure you have stretched thoroughly beforehand throughout your quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, and hip flexor muscles. Especially as we grow older. This will avoid, unnecessary injuries such as torn or detached muscles, which can be not only debilitating, but quite painful as well.
Proper nutrition combined with portion control, as well as the timing of your meals, is the most effective way to lose weight. Exercise will only expedite the process, as well as offer a myriad of health benefits. That said, Whether you are walking vs running for weight loss, is irrelevant if you aren’t eating properly.
Another thing to consider when weighing the running vs walking for weight loss question, is the effect on your body, both immediate, as well as in the long term, that running may have on you. As written earlier, running is a high impact activity on your joints. Even if your joints are structurally sound, but you are carrying a lot of excess weight, you may reconsider running, and opt for walking briskly, and for longer, so as to not place too much stress on your knees, ankles, hips, low back, etc. Just because something is deemed the best, doesn’t necessarily mean it is a good idea for you.
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