What Are The Benefits Of Lifting Weights?
People always are asking if this is better than that. We always are making comparisons and trying to find out the best way to go about something. That’s just human nature. Whether we actually do something with our information, however, is hit or miss, but that’s human nature as well. Fitness is no different. As long as I’ve been a personal trainer in Austin, I’m always asked for the best chestexercises, best ab exercises, the quickest way to lose weight, and so on. One thing I hear people talking about when it comes to their choice of exercise is whether they lift weights, or do cardio instead. A great many people employ both in their regimens, but there’s still a decently sized contingent of people that choose one or the other. In this article, I have extolled the virtues of doing cardio from both an weight loss perspective, as well as a health one. Today, however, we’ll examine the benefits of lifting weights.
There’s any number of reasons why someone would want to lift weights beyond whatever the first thing to pop into your head. The benefits of weight lifting are as diverse as those who do it. It ranges from people wanting to have superman like muscles popping from their shirts, to getting toned, to sport specific programs that an athlete would employ in their chosen profession, to restorative therapy, and weight loss. Others just enjoy the feeling of releasing endorphins, while some people compete in weightlifting or physique competitions. Whatever your reasons for doing it, weight lifting is very beneficial when done correctly.
The benefits of lifting weights can go far beyond one’s reasoning to do it, however. The other benefits of weight lifting that are not as intuitive as things such as getting toned, having a greater bone density, getting stronger, etc are plentiful. To name a few, men who lift weights regularly tend to have higher levels of testosterone than their counterparts who don’t. Furthermore, men who regularly lift weights tend to have a lower amount of belly fat than those who just do cardiovascular exercise alone according to Harvard studies. Whatever your reason for pumping iron, as long as you are using proper form and being intelligent about it, you are doing a lot of good for your body in more ways than just the obvious ones.
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