Is It Safe? Should Children Lift Weights?
A lot of people get the idea that they want to join a gym and get in better shape. Sometimes, you see people deciding other people, usually a spouse should go to the gym and or work with a trainer, though that never pans out. If that person doesn’t have sufficient motivation to make themselves want to do it, it’s a waste of time and money. The other day a young lady came into my gym and was inquiring about membership for her and her 11 year old son. She asked should children lift weights?
Should children lift weights is a great question, as there’s been a lot of different answers from all kinds of sources over the years. I don’t view it as a very complex issue as so many others do, however. If you pause a moment and think about it, kids are lifting weights all the time when they’re at play. They climb trees, ride bikes, roller blade, swim, play on monkey bars and other apparatus’ etc. These are all weight bearing resistance exercise, albeit with usually just their bodyweight. With that consideration, why should a child not do a structured exercise routine, so long as it’s done with consideration to proper form and techniques?
As an Austin personal trainer for over 20 years, I have worked with a great many different people, including some kids. The youngest child I’ve ever worked with was 9 years old, and she had aspirations of being an Olympic figure skater. She was a joy to work with because she always showed up with a big smile and a positive attitude. She came ready to get to the business of the day, and she succeeded. If you’re wondering should children lift weights, and saw a video of her training with me, you’d know the answer. On the flip side, however, not every child should lift weights, nor should every adult, for that matter.
If a child has no interest in lifting weights, then why make them do it? I had a boy who was around 11 years old as a client some years ago. His parents saw it as a way for their son to get some exercise they said, but the reality was that the kid had no interest in being there, and the parents used it as expensive babysitting. I felt sorry for that little boy because his parents were not spending any time playing with him, nor were they helping him join a sports team, or do anything physical. They just plopped him in my lap and went off to happy hour.
In most cases, if you’re wondering should children lift weights, the answer is yes, but only with adult supervision. I would never let a youngster use my gym otherwise, as it’s far too easy to get hurt. If the parent(s), or a trainer are present and attentive to the child, it’s a great way to bolster self esteem through accomplishment, get stronger, and have fun with your family all the while.
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