What is Proper Gym Attire?
Different occasions require different dress codes. Different situations, as well. Gyms are no different than any other place in those regards. We should dress appropriately for comfort, maximum range of motion, as well as to consider the comfort of others. So what is proper gym attire?
Proper gym attire will vary depending upon which gym you are going to. For example, a lot of big box gyms don’t seem to mind if females wear the skimpiest of outfits, while other big box gyms have strict policies regarding gym attire. My gym, the Austin Fitness Center, is rather casual on the subject. In my gym, for example, I don’t care if you choose to wear jeans in an attempt at machismo, but if you wear ultra short cut off jean shorts that are vulgar, that won’t fly.
Proper gym attire should consist of clothing that won’t allow you to overheat too quickly, such as polyester linings in thick sweat pants. They should also have enough elasticity, or looseness to it, to allow you to be able to bend, lift, twist, etc while performing your workout. It would be silly to not be able to squat low enough to get the full range of motion simply because your pants are too tight. Another consideration should be that of other people’s comfort. It’s not proper gym attire for women to wear the shortest of shorts and have most of their breasts exposed. It’s a pointless attention seeking attempt that not only is tasteless, but completely pointless as well. Modesty is a good thing. Then again, it’s not for everyone. As long as I’ve been an Austin personal trainer, I’ve certainly seen plenty of attention seekers, as well as plenty of modest people, who go to the gym for the right reasons.
Ultimately, for the most part, barring certain rules put in place by individual establishments, what you wear is up to you. Just as it makes more sense to eat, train, and sleep properly in order to help your workouts be productive, it makes sense to wear the appropriate gym attire in order to facilitate the proper range of motion throughout your sets, as well as to keep you comfortable and cool. Just not too cool.
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