Obesity Is A Killer
It’s long been known that there is a definitive connection between having too much body fat, and the subsequently heightened possibilities of getting cancer. Obesity, in fact, has become a very widespread public health concern across the world as it not only has been definitively linked to certain cancers, but to diabetes, and cardiovascular disease as well. To demonstrate the prevalence of this epidemic, in this country alone, it is estimated that 70% of adults are overweight or obese.
In a recent study, 11 different types of cancers were linked to obesity. Oseophageal adenocarcinoma, multiple myeloma, rectum, gastric cardia, pancreas, colon, ovary, breast, kidney, endometrium, and biliary tract system. This year alone, it is estimated that almost 13 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed worldwide resulting in 7.6 million deaths. Sure, genetics play a huge role, but downplaying nutrition, lifestyle, and recreational indulgences such as smoking, etc, is turning a blind eye to the elephant in the room.
Smoking is a long known cause of cancer, and has been addressed in a different essay on this site. Clinical obesity, is by enlarge, a result of poor choices as well. A lot of people will scream between gulps of soda that they are victims of their own genetics. While genetics are certainly a factor, they aren’t the only consideration. Good choices at the dinner table are vital if you are to maintain a healthy body weight. Exercise is also paramount to having a healthy body fat percentage. Too often we see people make excuses as to why they are too busy to exercise, and subsequently pile on the pounds, year after year, until the inevitable happens. Death and disease. The reality is, that until you are ready to address the problem, you will rationalize and justify your poor choices and indulgences.
If you were told that if you were to ingest 1 more piece of cake, fried chicken, etc, etc, or you would drop dead of a heart attack, or be stricken with cancer, you would obviously stay far away from the offending substance. The fact that it is a long and drawn out process which takes years to come to fruition. This allows us to incorporate denial into our nutrition plans. It won’t happen to me, I go to the gym is something as a longtime personal trainer in Austin I hear a lot. The fact that you workout has to be coupled with good nutrition choices, and an otherwise healthy lifestyle, if you are sincere about minimizing your risks for cancer and other obesity related health issues.
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