Andy helped me lose 80 pounds a few years ago while we put some muscle on and we had a blast doing it! if you’re looking for a no-pressure, very intelligent, nice guy who’s a highly qualified personal trainer, I suggest you give Andy a try. You’ll be so glad you did.
Nutrition Counseling in Austin, TX
The pursuit of health, wellness, and fitness requires a multidimensional approach. Exercise alone isn’t enough. You need a solid nutrition plan designed specifically for your needs and body. Everybody is different, and as such, requires a specific plan suited to their needs as opposed to a one size fits all approach. As with anything, there’s plenty of myths and blanket statements that are either loosely based on facts, or just outrageous untruths formed to make someone a profit.
An example of a nutrition myth is that we all need 8, 8 ounce glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. In reality, if we’re talking about an adult, 64 ounces of water is just getting started towards what a healthy adult needs for water consumption in a day.
Another commonly held belief is that carbs make you fat. Simply put, they don’t. The over indulgence of any macronutrient for a prolonged period is what makes one fat and/or unhealthy. Carbohydrates are the most efficiently burned source of fuel for the human body. Period. There’s varying degrees of carbs just as there are different octanes of fuel for your car. Carbohydrates range from simple to complex and are measured by what is known as the glycemic index for how fast they burn in the body and thus how efficient they are as a fuel.
The separation of fact from fiction is essential, as is the intake of the the proper nutrients in order to achieve your training goals. Remember, it’s not just the sum of the calories, it’s the source that’s essential to achieve proper nutrition. Additionally, as we get older, it’s not calories in and calories out as many believe. As we age, our natural blood sugar levels are higher and any addition raising of those levels from what we ingest can trigger a release of insulin, which is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas, which then makes weight loss that much more difficult.
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