There’s many reasons why one would hire a personal trainer. Expertise in nutrition, exercise, physical therapy, physiology, accountability, but motivation? Unfortunately, that’s one thing that will always fall short. That’s something that has to come from inside of you, the client. As a personal trainer in Austin for 19 years, I’ve worked with a vast variety of clients with different needs, goals, and conditions from doctors to professional athletes, actors, ballerinas, physical therapy clients, hobbyists, newcomers to fitness, weekend warriors, and all those in between.
I always spell out in plain English to each and every client what I want them to eat, what stretches nay be needed, what cardiovascular exercises need to be done, etc, as it pertains to them achieving their goals, getting stronger, being healthier, and feeling better.
Like it or not, I can’t be there at every turn and tell you not to drink that soda or eat those chips. That’s not my responsibility. That’s yours. Too often, people will take on a personal trainer and expect a world of results with minimal effort. It simply doesn’t work that way.
Motivation is a tricky thing. It has to be a long lasting impression in your mind for anything to work, no matter what we’re talking about. The good thing, however, is that positive results further fuel that initial motivation, and help us along in our journeys. Assuming that you’re paying someone to be your cheerleader and will therefore be successful, but meanwhile you’re not doing what’s been asked of you or not embracing the dietary changes spelled out for you will never work.
I’ve been a successful trainer and gym owner in Austin for a very long time now and it hasn’t come to be by way of me selling snake oil and unachievable dreams. It’s by working step by step with the motivated client over time and through their sustained efforts, amongst many other things on my end, success is achieved. Cheerleaders belong in football, not gyms. Besides, you really don’t want to see me in a miniskirt anyway.
Andy Bruchey: Austin Personal Trainer: 12-09-2014


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