Debunking Fitness Myths
There’s a number of persistent and often times, funny fitness myths circulating throughout America’s gyms and online fitness forums. Since I’ve been doing personal training in Austin for as long as I have, you can imagine that I’ve been confronted by believers and preachers of these reality spinoffs any number of times. Some of the myths I will debunk throughout my blog entries in the future are old science which has been replaced by new findings while other are downright preposterous. Today, I’m going to go with a preposterous fitness myth that is more widespread than most.
If I had a nickel for every time a female said to me that she didn’t want to lift weights because she didn’t want to get all big and bulky like a bodybuilder, I’d have been able to retire years ago. Women simply cannot get big and bulky like professional bodybuilders because they don’t have enough of the hormone testosterone to do so. The fact is, men don’t either and therefor, have to supplement with additional high doses of it, amongst other things, in order to achieve that level of muscle mass. It is very true that we are all individuals, and that being said, have different levels of testosterone as well as varying levels of all of the hormones and virtually everything else in our bodies. Some women have more testosterone than their counterparts and will have a natural ability to gain more muscle, be stronger, and be able do that in a shorter period of time than other women. That does not mean that they will end up looking like Mr. Olympia. It simply means they could develop more muscles than the average female should they exercise consistently and properly as well as embrace the proper nutritional guidelines to generate muscle mass. Fitness myths will persist, just take them with a grain of salt.


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