Is Exercise Fun For You?
A question I often field from potential clients or those just beginning their fitness journey has long been is exercise fun? This is the same as any other question in regards to personal training, or just plain working out on any level. It’s very individual. There’s no way for anyone to answer that question truthfully other than to offer their own personal feelings and experiences within the subject. Naturally, with anything, some people will find it more fun and enjoyable than others will. So, is exercise fun? To some people, some of the time, sure!
One universal truth which has been demonstrated in study after study, for many years now, is that the release of endorphins, which accompanies vigorous physical exercise, can have a euphoric effect. The sense of satisfaction which accompanies the fulfillment of a difficult task is another benefit. So while you’re struggling under a heavy bench press, or your quads are burning like crazy from a high rep set of extensions, the feeling of conquering a difficult, and sometimes unpleasant job, can produce a great feeling of satisfaction. Is exercise fun under these extreme conditions the body is under? Not necessarily, but it is rewarding. One can liken it to any menial task in that sense. Think of cutting the grass on a hot day. It surely isn’t a fun proposition, and it surely isn’t a blast to mow strip after strip, but as you near the completion of the task, you begin to have the sense that you’re nearing the end, and that not only can you see the work done, and get instantaneous satisfaction from a job completed, but you also realize that it wasn’t so bad after all. Not nearly as bad as you had anticipated, even feared.
I sometimes think it’s fun to lift weights and I’ve been doing it for quite a while considering I’ve been an Austin personal trainer for 20 years. I too, like most everyone, have days that I have little to no interest in doing it. I do it anyway during those times and I am immediately rewarded with the satisfaction of accomplishing something difficult that will only serve to better me.
Is exercise fun? That depends upon whom you ask. It also depends upon when you ask. Ultimately, it is an irrelevant question, just as you don’t cut the grass for fun, no matter how you feel about doing it. We exercise for health, self betterment, and the sense of satisfaction that is accompanied by working hard consistently for something worth having. Namely, your strength and your health.
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