Over the many years I’ve been a personal trainer in Austin, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked how do I get bigger arms? There are several ways to go about getting bigger biceps, but you have to remember a few things. Firstly, if your arm is to grow an inch, your body will need to gain about 10 pounds on average. Another consideration is the exercise choices that you are making. Anytime you can incorporate exercises that require more stability from the biceps rather than the apparatus, you’ll find better results.
The upper arms are comprised of the biceps and the triceps, amongst smaller stabilizer muscles. In this blog, since the subject is how to get bigger biceps, I want to focus on just the biceps. As the name implies, biceps have two heads. A medial and lateral. If you wish to have thick, as well as tall biceps, you need to work both heads equally. Varying your grip on the bar for example, can make a huge difference in which head you are primarily working. A more medial grip will work the lateral head, and the more wide the grip, the more medial the impact.
Remember too, that biceps are a very small muscle group compared to many others in the human body. A multiple session approach per week is not going to pay more dividends as it would likely be over training. A thorough weekly blast is all that is required in most cases if you really want to know how to build bigger biceps.
The last thing to think about is the exercise selection. You want a varied approach that includes both fast as well as slow twitch muscle fiber recruitment. Having a nice variety of exercises that are done properly and diligently will evoke the best results possible.


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