Wondering How To Get Bigger Arms?
As I’ve written many times before, most everything in the health and fitness world is individual. Very few puzzles are going to be solved, or theories held true with generalizations and sweeping statements. There is a conspicuous exception to this, however. I’ve been a personal trainer in Austin for over 20 years, as well as a gym owner for the past decade, and I can assure you that most every man wants to know how to get bigger arms, and most every woman wants to know how to firm up her rear end.
It’s hard to answer a question of how to get bigger arms generally, as well have different genetics. This means in this case, that we all respond differently to different exercises, we all different tightness; and imbalances which may hinder proper form, and we all have different insertion points for our muscles and connective tissue, so form and range of motion will vary with the individual. The basics remain intact though. The biceps have 2 muscles and the triceps have 3. It’s all in the name after all.
If you want to know how to get bigger arms, one thing you’ll want to do is to work both the fast as well as the slow twitch fibers of both the biceps, as well as the triceps. You accomplish this by varying your repetitions, and of course, your poundages. For example, you may want to do a set of 10 tricep kickbacks with whatever weight is appropriate for you. The next set, you may do around 15 reps with a lighter weight, and then a set of 20 reps with an even lighter weight. If you reach failure, or close to it with each set, you’re onto something and will spur growth.
Another thing to consider if you are wondering how to get bigger arms, is that the triceps are a bigger muscle group than your biceps, so most of your arm’s mass will come from them if they’re properly developed. Apparently the guy spending hours doing bicep curls every week, that we’ve all seen at one time or another, never got that memo. Biceps are important for arm development both in terms of aesthetics, as well as functionality, but the triceps take up more real estate and will make your arms truly bigger when fully developed.
The last bit of advice I’ll throw out there on the subject for those looking to get bigger arms, is that varying your exercises will benefit you greatly. If you hit any muscle from different angles, not only will you be getting more muscle fibers recruited in total for that muscle, but you’ll also be working the stabilizing muscles differently, and thereby increasing their strength and size. Standing in front of a mirror doing the same old barbell curls will have benefits, but incorporating other bicep exercises will simply offer more benefits. Another great thing about variation, is it keeps you more interested in the process as opposed to having to do the same monotonous thing time after time. Keeping things fresh and interesting is a great tactic to avoid burnout, while helping you get bigger and stronger.
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