Wondering How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight?
Everybody wants instant gratification, no matter what it is that we’re talking about, and fitness is no exception. I often get asked how long will it take for mew to put on 25 pounds of muscle? How long will it take me to be able to bench press 315 pounds? The most common, however, is how long does it take to lose weight?
How long does it take to lose weight is such an open ended question, that it is impossible to intelligently and truthfully answer without referring to some generalized or antiquated statistic or formula. There are so many variables involved such as your genetics, health, your diet, activity level, your goals, and so on. One thing I always ask people who ask me how long does it take to lose weight is, why are they in such a hurry to lose it? It didn’t get put on overnight, nor will it come off overnight. It takes time, but you can expedite the process, if you’re truly motivated.
I usually tell people that a weight loss of 1 to 3 pounds per week, when eating properly and exercising regularly, is a healthy goal. One that you may not meet every single week, but nonetheless, a healthy and realistic goal, for most people. This is not the same crowd that comes to me because they’re filming a movie in 2 months and need the ultra toned, camera ready body, or the photo shoot ready models, or athletes. These are just regular people looking to drop some weight and add a little muscle tone. If you do the simple math, and are extremely consistent with your diet and exercise, you can figure a basic and reasonable time frame for the question of how long does it take to lose weight. The problem with the math in this case, however, is going to be plateaus we all experience in fitness, and the irregularities we all experience with life in general. My job, as an Austin personal trainer, is to circumnavigate those plateaus, and keep the progress rolling. The life problems, are someone else’s department. Namely yours and/or your therapist’s.
If you’re wondering how long it takes to lose weight and you find you are stagnating, you need to look objectively at your nutrition. If you aren’t well versed in that field, call someone like me for help. You’ll also need to objectively look at your exercise routine. Are you doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or just occasionally going for a walk when you make a little time? There’s plenty of folks who have all the motivation in the world, but absolutely not a clue of how to go about losing weight, other than the basic, common sense things such as eat less, etc. Those folks would be well advised to contact a qualified and experienced personal trainer. Not a rookie in the field, nor someone who has a physique that you admire. Those aren’t qualified people. You want someone with experience in the field as a professional.
How long does it take to lose weight? Not that long, nor not too quickly. If you’re consistent with your water intake, nutrition, and cardiovascular exercise, you will lose weight faster than those who approach it halfheartedly. Like most everything in this world, what you put in for effort, usually dictates what you’ll get for results.


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