Are You Asking Yourself How Do I Firm Up The Back Of My Arms?
As a personal trainer in Austin for over 2 decades, as well as a gym owner for over one, I hear a lot from women that they want to lose weight, make the caboose a little on the smaller side, etc. One of the biggest problem areas that I hear women complain about, however, is the back of the upper arms, or the triceps, as they’re also known. If I had a nickel for every time I fielded the question of how do I firm up the back of my arms, I’d be quite wealthy.
So, how do I firm up the back of my arms you ask? By doing several things, of course. The first thing you need to do is to get your nutrition in order. What you are seeing on the back of your arms blanketing your triceps is excess fat. It’s not out of shape muscle as one lady suggested, nor is it a great amount of excess skin. It’s simply fat, and like it or not, that’s a very common place for women to hold it. With that said, if you want to lose any fat, the first order of business will be to get your nutrition in order. This means not over eating, getting the proper amount of all 3 macronutrients, eating at the correct times, and lastly, but far from least important, is to be sure to be adequately hydrated.
If you’re still asking how do I firm up the back of my arms, here’s part 2 of the answer. Proper exercise for the affected area. In this case, it will be tricep muscle exercises, which there are a multitude from which to choose. Which ones are right for you is impossible for me to say, sight unseen since I have no idea what imbalances you may or may not have. This is where hiring a qualified and experienced personal trainer would behoove you. He or she will be able to advise you on your nutrition, but they will be also be able to to not only suggest the appropriate exercises, but guide you through them so you won’t incur injuries.
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