Don’t Let Gym Intimidation Hold You Back
Anytime we start something new, it’s perfectly natural to have some sense of trepidation. When we undertake something that we’re even somewhat familiar with, in a different setting, we naturally have a propensity to feel a little ill at ease, regardless of how excited we are to start the process.
Fitness is no different from anything else in this regard, and in fact, it may be an area in which we feel more uncomfortable than most other’s. Gym intimidation is something that happens to everyone at some point if they ever decide to workout in a gym.
Gym intimidation is a real issue when going to a gym for the first time for some, because they may feel anxious about how others may perceive them. If they are excessively heavy, or contrarily, rather slight in build, it presents a potentially serious body image issue.
Seasoned trainees may feel a bit out of sorts at a new gym because with a new environment, many parts of their comfort zone may be dismantled. As an Austin personal trainer for over 20 years, I can assure you that I have seen even top level professional athletes become slightly wary upon entering a different facility. The bottom line is that every one of us can feel a sense of gym intimidation to some degree.
Thankfully, with some common sense, we can certainly lessen the phenomenon of gym intimidation. Firstly, it’s important to consider that nobody is looking for an apology from you for your current physical stature, and if they were, it would be more than a little bit ridiculous. Gyms are not center stage where we parade ourselves around in a vain attempt to garner as much validation as possible, but rather, a place where we can focus on our issues, and slowly and methodically chip away at our goals until we see them through to fruition. Professional athletes and movie industry folks know all too well that more eyes are upon them than most other people, but simultaneously, it’s a matter of common sense that we know the gawkers are simply fascinated by a new and celebrated presence in their midst. It is what it is, so to speak.
Ultimately, gym intimidation is just another of the many distractions we can conjure up in order to avoid doing something that is trying, tedious, as well as arduous. If you truly want to succeed with whatever fitness goals you have, set aside the distractions, and get to work.
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