Here’s Some Of The Funny Fitness Questions I’ve been Asked Over The years
This time around for my weekly blog, I’m going to shift away from the serious, and put a little spotlight on the more absurd. These are the funny fitness questions that I have received regarding fitness, weight loss, etc. Of course, I will include my tongue in cheek answers that are all too deserving from such questions. As you might imagine, I get a lot of questions on a weekly basis, but these are amongst the less thought through fitness questions that I’ve received in my 23 years as an Austin personal trainer and gym owner. Remember, these are the verbatim funny fitness questions that I received. Sit back, grab your popcorn, and enjoy!
Question 1: How do I wake up at 5 a.m. daily to work out?
Answer: Set the alarm like the rest of us.
Question 2: Which food is the most helpful for increasing bicep size?
Answer: Eating biceps helps tremendously with biceps growth, albeit not for the person whose biceps you just ate
Question 3: How can I build a body like Brock Lesnar?
Answer: Be born to his parents. If this isn’t possible, find a new goal that is realistic. You can’t dictate your genetics, so your best bet is to work within their confines and to the best of your abilities.
Question 4: Why am I not progressing in the gym if I’m doing everything right at the gym?
Answer : Because you are not doing everything right at the gym.
Question 5: Why do I continue sweating after my post exercise shower?
Answer: Because you have the water too hot.
Question 6: Can I be really fat and still have the outline of abs?
Answer : Sure you can. Just grab a magic marker and draw them in.
Question 7: Why am I fat?
Answer: I have no idea since you only emailed me this question and I have never even laid eyes on you, much less spoken with you other than reading this question. Perhaps you should tell me why you’re fat.
Question 8: How do I lose a ton of weight without exercising, dieting, or going to the gym?
Answer: You don’t.
Question 9: Who wins an arm wrestling match? My mother who is 58 years old or me who is 26 years old. We are both untrained.
Answer: Let me know when the pay-per-view airs and I will surely plunk down my hard-earned money to watch this fascinating display of delayed onset teen angst resolved in the most redneck way possible.
Question 10: Last but certainly not least of the funny fitness questions asked of me is, why as a male, the dominant of the sexes, should I bother working my inner thighs at the gym? It’s not like I’m going to give birth!
Answer: Whether or not you have inner or outer plumbing has nothing to do with the fact that you share the exact same leg muscles as a female, including the adductors, gracilis, etc. These muscles are paramount to the stability of all the major muscle groups of the lower body. Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteals, etc. In case you haven’t picked up on this yet, I will let you in on a little secret… none of the aforementioned muscles are exclusive to either sex. If you want strong legs, you must have stable legs. If I told you a bridge was strong, but not stable, would you drive over it? I surely wouldn’t, but I’ll let you the reader, speculate on whether this man would or would not, but I’ll suffice it to say that I have a strong hunch he would.
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