Fitness Myths: Detox Cleanses & Diets

Detox Cleanses and Diets

One thing I used to hear an awful lot of was the supposed benefits of doing a detox cleanses. Thankfully, either common sense or science is prevailing and you hear about this fad less and less. For those unfamiliar with the concept, detox cleanse are a process, often marketed by a manufacturer or distributor, that requires you to only ingest their products for a predetermined amount of time. There were some cleanses that went viral which where not products or kits available for purchase, but rather were a popular concoction of various ingredients such as cayenne pepper, water, lemon juice, and maple syrup being one of the most (in)famous.

There has never been a shred of evidence that any of these detox cleanses are beneficial to your health in any way. People claim they will lose weight by cleansing. Of course you will lose weight if you don’t consume anything for 5, 10, or 14 days other than juice or a concoction made up of water and maple syrup. The problem with this concept is 2 fold. Firstly, it’s impossible to maintain this diet as it leads quickly to nutritional deficiencies and potential organ damage or even failure. Your body requires protein, carbs, and fats in order to function. If you deprive it of those macro nutrients, you will go into starvation mode quickly and your body will become catabolic which is the state of self consumption as opposed to anabolic which is the state of healthy growth and regeneration. The second, and obvious reason these are a bad idea, is that you can’t keep weight off this way as it’s not sustainable. If you’re going to put the weight right back on, what’s the point in doing it to begin with?

If you truly want scientifically proven detox cleanses, instead of relying upon ancient fitness myths, eliminate processed foods from your diet, including all the simple sugars and bad fats. If you drink the proper amount of water on top of that, your kidneys and liver, which are your body’s pre installed cleansers, will see to it that your body is properly and healthily cleansed.

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My name is Andy Bruchey and I founded Complete Fitness Design over 20 years ago. I specialize in weight loss/gain, including the addition of quality, lean muscle mass, corrective flexibility, post injury rehabilitation, nutrition and sports specific training.
Fitness Myths: Detox Cleanses & Diets
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Fitness Myths: Detox Cleanses & Diets
Longtime personal trainer in Austin, Andy Bruchey, writes of why detox cleanses should be avoided.
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Andy Bruchey- Complete Fitness Design
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My name is Andy Bruchey and I am a longtime Austin personal trainer having founded Complete Fitness Design over 20 years ago. I specialize in weight loss/gain, including the addition of quality, lean muscle mass, corrective flexibility, post injury rehabilitation, nutrition, and sports specific training for professionals. Contact me today to see how I can help you!
3100 W Slaughter Ln Austin , Texas 78748 512-484-2270