What Is A Celebrity Trainer?
There are many types of personal trainers available purporting to have any number of different specialties. Likewise, there are many different coaches in all sports, which are available for hire as well. One area of specialization that I find rather unusual, however, is the celebrity trainer.
I was working with a well known client the other day at my gym, and a new gym member casually asked me later on, if I was indeed a celebrity trainer. I smiled and responded that I’m not too sure what that means, but I’m content to just be known as an Austin personal trainer. While I certainly have, and continue to train well known professional athletes, as well as people in the entertainment industry, I approach every client the same way. Celebrities don’t pay more because they may be able to do so, nor is there any fanfare or other distractions going on. Basically, we stick to business, and get our work done just as holds true with everyone else I work with. It is true, however, that someone who is famous and/or in the spotlight, will have privacy concerns, and of course, those are handled. An example may be something as inconsequential as a phone number or an e mail address. While I, naturally, have access to the client’s contact information so we can communicate about everything from scheduling, to nutrition, and so forth, people often times may ask for that contact information, which, of course, I will not ever do. I also don’t pass messages along to well known people from fans or people looking to get on their inside circles. I don’t have an autograph booth set up at my gym either. All of this, is simply common sense anyway. I certainly wouldn’t give out anyone’s phone number or the like without their expressed permission. That’s bad etiquette.
So, what exactly is a celebrity trainer as opposed to an Austin personal trainer, for example? I honestly don’t have the slightest idea! My job, is to help the client meet their goals in a safe, studious, and scientific way. If that person happens to be famous, that would change absolutely nothing. I can’t see how it would or how it should, for that matter. Hip rotations, a tight infraspinatus muscle impinging on the radial nerve, is classic stuff that I see, and deal with every day, regardless of how that particular client earns their living.
Anyone who knows me, whether they’re famous or not, will tell you quickly, that I am not in the slightest bit star struck. I don’t celebrate celebrities for even a moment. I celebrate kind hearted people, famous, or otherwise, who do good things for others. Stars, for me anyway, are in the sky. They are not found on television, on red carpets, or on playing fields. This is by no means any disrespect to those who have accomplished what so many have tried, and so few have done, namely becoming famous and celebrated for their craft. It simply means, that to me, people are people and I treat everyone the way I would want them to treat me and my family, no matter if they work the cash register at the local grocery store, or they are on the covers of magazines, or scoring points in front of millions of people every weekend. People are people, and I think that’s a good thing.
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