Are You Wondering What is the Best Way to Lose Weight?
When you’ve been a personal trainer in Austin for over 20 years, it goes without saying that you get asked a lot of health and fitness questions. People want to know what the quickest way to accomplish their health and fitness goals are. They also want to be sure they’re doing the right thing to maximize whatever it is they are working towards. One very common question from clients as well as just about everyone, for that matter, that I get, is what is the best way to lose weight?
What is the best way to lose weight, like anything else, depends upon a whole host of variables. That’s why it’s called personal training. I weigh the variables, and decide how best to approach it for the individual, not the masses. I’ve always been quick to point out that sweeping statements and formulaic approaches are a waste of time, and they are, but there are a few constants when dealing with virtually anyone. For example, if you’re not eating properly, you won’t lose weight, even if you’re taking drugs to help you. If you’re not consuming adequate amounts of water, you will have a harder time of it as well. Lastly, anyone not willing or unable to do cardiovascular workouts, will too have a harder time losing weight.
There Are Many Ways to Lose Weight
There’s plenty of ways to lose weight. You could starve yourself, for example. That, obviously isn’t the best way to lose weight, however. The answer to the question of what is the best way to lose weight, is to take a systematic, and well balanced approach to it, and then be consistent in your efforts. In another blog entry on my website, I stressed the importance of first thing in the morning cardio done on an empty stomach. This will maximize fat loss as your body has no other source of fuel to power you for your cardiovascular activity. Drinking a protein shake, or eating something beforehand will only serve to sabotage your efforts because your body will use whatever you ingested for fuel as opposed to your fat stores. Water, however, is perfectly OK to consume prior and during your cardio.
Timing is Crucial
When pondering what is the best way to lose weight, you should consider not just what you eat, but the timing of when you eat it. If you do first thing in the morning cardio, you should return to a well balanced breakfast. This will not only re energize your body, but it will serve to increase your metabolic rate as well. Having muscle on your frame was long thought to speed up your metabolism, but many recent studies have demonstrated that the amount of metabolic stimulation is nowhere near as great as was once believed to be. Therefore, it is up to you to time your meals and help create a faster metabolism in the process. Another consideration would be your evening meal and snack, if applicable. Loading up on carbohydrates before bed, be they good or bad, is pointless. It’s shoving fuel into your system when you’re nearing your most restful and dormant phase of the day. Bedtime. Obviously, while you’re sleeping, you don’t need to have the same amount of fuel on board as when you’re performing any activities, strenuous, or otherwise.
What is the best way to lose weight, will always vary person to person, but as mentioned, there are many common sense and widespread necessary strategies to employ. If you are still at a loss, or your circumstances are atypical, consider hiring a qualified personal trainer to help you with your weight loss efforts.


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