5 Fitness Questions Answered
In a recently written essay, I answered 10 commonly asked fitness questions. I’d like to continue where I left off with that in this blog by answering 5 fitness questions that I frequently get asked. When you’ve been an Austin personal trainer for as long as I have, you can imagine that I’ve answered my fair share of fitness questions. Here they are.
1) What Mistakes Do You See Most Often In A Gym? Honestly, there’s several stereotypical gym mistakes which occur every day, multiple times, and in every gym across the world. The first being people not using proper form. The second being people not using an appropriate amount of weight for their strength levels, as well as fitness goals. The third being that people often time skip out on their workouts. Consistency is what yields results in fitness, as well as sport specific training. There’s no substitute for it if you want to truly succeed.
2) If I want to Lose Weight, How Cleanly Must I Eat? It depends on how quickly you wish to lose that weight, obviously. You can’t expect to lose weight while eating pizza and gulping down sodas because you interspersed the occasional salad. It’s much the same as working out. If you skip a workout or a healthy meal, for that matter, you are not only postponing your positive end results, but shrinking your chances of succeeding as well.
3) Is it Necessary to Wear Workout Clothes in the Gym? Of course not, but it certainly helps if you have clothes on that allow freedom of movement. It’s plain aggravating, as well as restrictive in terms of your potential range of motion, to have ill fitting garments on in the gym. As a longtime Austin personal trainer and gym owner, you see plenty of under dressed, over dressed, and ridiculously dressed folks working out. There’s always those looking for attention, no matter where you go, be it the gym, or a grocery store. I always suggest people dress comfortably, but the jeans and cowboy boots should probably stay at the house.
4) My Knees Hurt, Can I Still Workout? Yes, but it’s wise to know the source of your discomfort beforehand. It could be a tight vastus medialis muscle causing the patella to track incorrectly, but simultaneously, it could be a grade 2 tear of your medial meniscus. If you have a long standing issue with your knee, or any other body part for that matter, get it checked out so you , and your trainer, if applicable, know what you’re dealing with. Look here for my article on the knees as well as common injuries.
5) Are Squats Better Than Leg Presses? This is one is likely the most popular of the coomon 5 fitness questions that I get pertaining to legs. That all depends on how your pelvis sits, how tight your gluteals, hamstrings, hip flexors, and quads are. It also depends upon what goals you’ve set for yourself fitness wise. Ideally, you would be able to incorporate both exercises into your leg days, even alternating the 2 on occasion. To say that one is superior to the other categorically doesn’t make much sense as it’s a very individual thing, just like all things in the health and fitness world.
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