Unless You’re Sick, Don’t Skip Your Workout!
Everybody runs late on occasion. Some people obviously more so than others. If you have an appointment with your personal trainer and are late, come in anyway. If you blow it off with the mindset that it’ll only be a partial workout and therefor not worthwhile, you’ll be missing out on a great opportunity to get closer to achieving your goals, as well as completely throwing your money away. I can’t tell you how many times people have balked at the idea of coming in because they were running behind schedule, and then went on to have a stellar session, often eclipsing their best lifts in the process. I have no scientific explanation to offer but my theory is that they feel a little bit more pressure from themselves to perform and put out a greater effort since they’re not getting the full hour. Don’t skip your workout!
Another instance when people often try to get out of their workout is when they are tired. Perhaps a bad night’s sleep from stress is the cause, or perhaps they have allergies that caused poor sleep quality. In either case, they too usually have a much better than expected session and like their late counterparts, almost always exclaim how surprised they are at how well they did.
The only time I will insist that you abstain from coming in is if you are sick. Nobody else in the gym wants to catch whatever you have, myself included. Please, in this case, skip your workout! If someone comes in who is visibly sick, I send them home. It’s better to save your energy and let your body fight off whatever is ailing you than struggle through a sub par workout while simultaneously infecting others.


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